We need your help!

During the last week of term we want to run a series of events at church where the Easter story is told in a new, amazing, interactive and immersive way. This will be an incredible opportunity for outreach to the local Key Stage two pupils and also to our church family and the wider local community of Dedworth.
This can only happen if we have the props we need and most importatnly the right volunteers to help… well done for reading this far!… 🙂
Thurs 21st March & Friday 22nd March
9.00 – 10.30 and 11.30 –13:00 to help with crafts, be Peter and provide Refreshments.
Saturday 23rd March
9:45-13:00 for the Community morning
What can we do?
Three things:
- Pray – that God will provide the people we need to run this event, the resourses to put it together and for the Schools to be interested to come.
- Volunteer – can you help on the day, before, during, after? Please speak to Ruth.
- ed props to bring the experience alive. Below is an extensive list of items that we need to gather. Can you hlwlp to provide any of these?
If you can do any of these, please get in touch with Ruth on 01753 869787 or by email to: ruth_norris@yahoo.com
List of resources we need to find:
Zone 1: Sea of Galilee | |
Video loop of lakeside shore | |
Projector | |
Seagulls | |
Boat | |
Oars | |
Netting | |
Lobster pot | |
Dust sheets | |
Sand | |
Stones | |
Fish | |
Old wooden barrels/buckets | |
Seaweed | |
Board with painted seaside scene | |
Takeaway (netting) | |
Globe | |
Zone 2: The Upper Room | |
Low tables | |
Passover food | |
Plates | |
Goblets | |
Wine (ribena) | |
Rush Mats | |
Lamp | |
Table cloths | |
Earthenware jug for wine | |
Oil lamps | |
Takeaway (card) | |
Basket for cards | |
Zone 3: Garden of Gethsemane | |
Plants | |
Greenery | |
Rocks | |
Roman short sword | |
Cicada noise on ipod | |
Lamps | |
Takeaway (leaves) | |
Fake grass | |
Logs and stumps | |
Zone 4: High Priest’s Courtyard | |
What Where/who Sorted | |
Gazebo | |
Fake stone walls | |
Brazier | |
Logs | |
Orange cellophane (fire) | |
Red fairy lights (fire) | |
CD player/mp3/ipod | |
Takeaway (card) | |
Basket to hold words | |
Zone 5: Golgotha – The Place of the Skull | |
Rocks for base of cross | |
Cross | |
Red ribbons | |
Lamps | |
Crown of thorns | |
Hammer and nails | |
Die | |
Chicken wire | |
Bricks | |
Black cloth | |
Sign: Golgotha – Place of the Skull | |
Jesus’ clothes | |
Takeaway (die) | |
Zone 6: Empty Tomb | |
Myrrh oil | |
Bottle for myrrh oil | |
Folded grave clothes | |
Grey cloth | |
Gazebo | |
Grey lining material | |
Takeaway (stones) | |
Other Resources | |
Peter’s costume | |
Diary entry for each zone – rough torn and tea stained | |
Map for each pupil – rough torn and tea stained | |
Door signs | |
Rocky Road – slice per pupil | |
Cellophane bags – one per pupil | |
Ribbon – one per pupil | |
Verse – one per pupil |