Morning Prayers
Come and pray in community.
Prayer focused on Lectio365 material.
Lifegroup – Wednesday 10:30am
Our times together in our Life Groups are one of the most important times during the week, as we meet in small groups, at church, online or in a home. The groups have followed various studies including The Bible Course,
Lifegroup – Wednesday 7.30pm
On Wednesday evening, come and join the Lifegroup at 7.30pm at the church. Speak to Andrew for further information or just come along and see if you like it.
Morning Prayers
Come and pray in community.
Prayer focused on Lectio365 material.
Lifegroup – Thursday 10.45am
On Thursday, come and join the Lifegroup at 10:45 – 12:00 – speak to Ruth for further information or just come along and see if you like it. This one meets in the Chapel. This term they are looking at “Living Generously” and there are some great videos to watch each week.
Lifegroup – Thursday 7pm
The Thursday group meet every other week on a Thursday evening at 7pm. Speak to Adam for further information or just come along and see if you like it. They are currently looking at “Freedom in Christ”.
Morning Prayers
Come and pray in community.
Prayer focused on Lectio365 material.
Wonderfully Youth
School years 5-8. Fridays during termtime.
School years 9-13. Fridays during termtime.
All Saints Green Day
On the last Saturday of each month – 10-12noon – come along and help – All welcome!