When someone dies there is sadly always so much to do. Emotions are raw and yet practical things need to be sorted out. Arranging a funeral service is part of this process and we are here to help in any way we can.

The Bible says ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid’. John 14:27.
You may wish for a cremation service, usually carried out at the crematorium at Slough, or perhaps a church service, or even a combination of both. In this painful time we are available to help.
For burials, we have no cemetery attached to the church but your funeral director will provide details of local availability and either our Vicar or our funeral celebrant Nicki will make ourselves available to attend.
The first step is usually to appoint a funeral director and they will guide you through the arrangements. They handle a three way conversation between church / crematorium (or cemetery) / family to arrive at a suitable time and date after which we will visit to begin the process of planning the service with you.
None of this should prevent you from getting in touch with us directly though, we’re here to help you in whatever way possible, both before and after the bereavement. If you are reading this in preparation for the death of a loved one and you would like us to come and pray with them please do get in with the church via our contact page.
See Below for links to other related pages: