All Saints’ Dedworth joined the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) on 1st May 2019. How time flies!
Setting up your regular giving
By phone:
When you are ready to set up a new regular donation, you will need to have your personal bank account details, church/parish name and PGS parish code to hand:
- Parish name: Dedworth All Saints
- Parish code: 270627377
Then simply give PGS a call on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, and they will complete your Direct Debit instruction for you. They will also ask about your preferences for opting in to Gift Aid, if you are eligible, and whether you would like to increase your gift annually by the rate of inflation.
The call usually takes about 10 minutes to complete. They will then send you a confirmation of your new gift by post or email.
The process starts on the unique page for the church you’d like to give to. Find ‘Dedworth All Saints’ using the parish name and parish code details above. Alternatively, you can use the ‘Find your parish’ search tool and type in our name, parish or location. Click on ‘Dedworth All Saints’ and you’ll be able to cross-check that it’s the right place, using the map, address details and description on that page.
Here is the link: https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/donors/find-your-parish/dedworth-all-saints-reading/
When you arrive on the page for Dedworth All Saints you simply click on the Donate button and follow the instructions on screen to set up your regular gift.
First, you’ll be asked to set up and activate a website account with PGS so that you can log-in securely.
Next, you’ll be guided through a simple form to provide your personal bank details, the value and frequency of your gift, the option to add Gift Aid, you can choose to increase your gift annually by the rate of inflation and decide whether you would prefer to give anonymously.
It only takes a few minutes to complete these steps online. Then, you’ll be able to log-in at any time to review your giving and personal details.
What is the PGS?
All Saints PCC have signed up to the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) run by the Diocese of Gloucester. Oxford Diocese funds our participation in the scheme and so there is no cost to us for using it.
It offers us a new and simple way for us ALL to plan our regular giving and for tax payers to do it tax efficiently. You benefit from a better way to give to All Saints. All Saints benefit from lower giving management effort and a monthly Gift Aid income – helping our cash flow and making the Treasurers job easier.

How does it work?
If you sign up to the scheme then your donation to All Saints is made by Direct Debit to PGS on 1st of the month (eg. you pay £50 a month). PGS pay your money to All Saints on 10th of the month (eg. your £50 and all the other donations). PGS also claim the Gift Aid Tax from HMRC for your donation (that is £12.50 on the £50 donation) and pay this to All Saints later the same month. So we get £62.50 in our account in the same month rather than the Treasurer having to record your donations and claim it separately at year end. Note – All Saints Treasurer gets a monthly detailed report of PGS donations received.
What do we want you to do?
Preferably that you join the PGS. However If you don’t want to join the PGS then please continue to give as you do now.
To join the PGS then please get an information package from Peter Norris (Treasurer). This explains the scheme and has the application form for you to join. Please complete the form and post to Gloucester. Gloucester will write to you to say when they will be taking the first direct debit.
What to do if you already give regularly?
1: If you currently give via Bankers Standing Order then please sign up to the PGS and complete the Gift Aid section if you are a tax payer. Please don’t forget to cancel the Standing Order once the PGS direct debits starts.
2: If you currently give via Envelopes then please consider joining the PGS. Some of us give large cash sums every week and the PGS offers a monthly service that saves you having to find that cash 52 weeks in a year. Please complete the Gift Aid section if you are a tax payer.
3: If you currently put cash into the collection plate then please consider joining the PGS to formalise your regular giving to All Saints and enable you to plan what you give in support of our work at All Saints. Please complete the Gift Aid section if you are a tax payer.
Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
What are TOKENS?

We are providing TOKENs for giving at collection time. These are for those of us who make payments to the church by electronic banking (eg. PGS / Standing Order / Direct Debits, etc).
Many of us have felt naked when it comes to collection time – Tokens are designed to solve this. Please pick up a Token on arrival and later put it into the collection plate as that goes round. Using Tokens should help us all to feel better about our giving and demonstrate to others that YES we do give but not via envelopes or cash which are more visible alternatives.
We thank you for your generous giving!
YOU enable us to run an effective Church with our work in local schools, our hub centre, visiting care homes, Mums and Tots, youth work, our pastoral visiting team and our recent support of the Windsor night shelter. This means our presence here is very much seen as contributing to life of Dedworth and Windsor.
It is in our regular giving and our planned participation in the CoE Parish Giving Scheme which lies at the heart of the financial security of All Saints Church. Most of us review our finances annually and it seems prudent to plan our giving to the church in a similar way.
Please give careful and prayerful consideration to your own situation. Consider changing the way you already so generously give to benefit the church and all those we support.
THANK YOU – and God Bless.
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