“We all need a little help at times….” If that’s you, then All Saints Church would love to help you….

If you need support, prayer, or just need someone to have a chat with – then we are here for you.
- Please come to church to see us, we are there at various times during the week, and always on Sunday mornings.
- Give us a call – 01753 569037. We may not always answer, but we do listen the the messages – leave your name and number and someone will call you back.
- Send us a message on our contact page, leaving your details and someone will get back to you.
West Windsor Hub
You may be aware of the West Windsor Hub – which was setup at the start of Lockdown, and is currently operating from the porch, at the back of the church.
To contact the West Windsor Hub, either drop in to see them in person, give them a call on 01753 342110.
Visit their website for more info on their opening times. http://www.westwindsorhub.org.uk/

See Below for links to other related pages: