Sermon 13th October 2024 11am gathering
13th October 2024

Sermon 13th October 2024 11am gathering

We have recorded our talk in case you missed it or want to listen again.

Here is the OOS together with our bible reading. Please do get in touch with us if you need prayer for anything at all.

Opening worship: - Here for you (to you our hearts are open) [Db]
- God Suit On


Birthday Slot - Michelle

- Our God (Water you turned into wine)
- O Praise the Name
- King of Kings

Kids to groups: Flares in Studio - Rebecca & Mike
Flames in Café– Michelle & Martha, Firepit in Chapel – Caren

READING: Acts: 6: 8–15 Christina



- 10,000 reasons
Lord I need you.


Final Song: Shine Jesus Shine

Acts 6:8-15

8 Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. 9 Then some of those who belonged to the synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called), Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and others of those from Cilicia and Asia, stood up and argued with Stephen. 10 But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit[a] with which he spoke. 11 Then they secretly instigated some men to say, ‘We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.’ 12 They stirred up the people as well as the elders and the scribes; then they suddenly confronted him, seized him, and brought him before the council. 13 They set up false witnesses who said, ‘This man never stops saying things against this holy place and the law; 14 for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth[b] will destroy this place and will change the customs that Moses handed on to us.’ 15 And all who sat in the council looked intently at him, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.