Sermon 20th August 2023 10am gathering
We have recorded our talk in case you missed it or want to listen again.
Here is the OOS together with our bible reading. Please do get in touch with us if you need prayer for anything at all.
Celebration Order 10am 20/8/23
Pre-worship songs
-Never far away
-My God is so Big
-God Suit on
Welcome/notices./Thank you for volunteers/ BANNS
What we’ve learned/experienced. . .
- Wonderfully Made
- Give thanks to the Lord
Wonderfully Made Video
Talk 1: – Wonderfully Made – What you did..
VIDEO: Lego Psalm 139 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eQ7D-A00Bw
Psalm 139 - You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Talk 2 – Blessed by God
- Let everything that has breath
- Shine
Prayers - Caren
Song - Build your Kingdom Here
Gunge - Michelle !