Adam Wingrove Ordination

Adam Wingrove Ordination

We just wanted to thank you for your prayers and support. It has truly meant so much to us. The Lord faithfully provided a house and a confirmed school place which is a good answer to prayers!- All praise to God! I am getting ordained on Saturday, 1st July 2023, at Christ Church Cathedral at 2 pm.

If you would like to come along, you are more than welcome. We have arranged for a coach to leave All Saints Church at 11:15 am. So if you would like a seat, please book & pay for a seat (£13.70 per seat) via:

Coach bookings are open from Friday, 21st April 2023 and end on Friday, 23rd June 2023.

Alternatively, if you are driving, aim to arrive in Oxford by 1 pm to get a seat!

Every Blessing
Adam & Emma Wingrove.

Adam Wingrove Ordination

Event Details