Head of schools team, Deanery Synod Representative
Ruth has been at our church for 40 years and is behind many of the key outreach activities and events for the church with her dynamism, organisational ability and willingness to take the initiative. She has developed links with all the local schools with regular “roadshows” to each, runs our God and Play activities and is a key representative for Christian Aid for Windsor. Undeterred by self-isolation she has simply switched everything to online, including the 2020 Christmas show for schools which was recorded in people’s homes!
“Working with children and young people is where I am most happy, but helping to spread God’s love in the community wherever and whenever I can makes my day. I praise God for the opportunity to engage with so many young people in our Parish in a way that would never be possible otherwise and seeing them learn more about God’s love for them all. My love for my garden is a developing passion, along with learning more about and caring for our beautiful world.”