Play and Activity Ideas
- Play out in the garden. It’s a lovely time weather wise, if you have a garden get out there. If not appreciate the beauty of Spring on your daily walk.
- Make a garden on a plate or in a bowl or tray. Could you turn it into an Easter garden with a mound for a cross or three and a pile of stones perhaps symbolizing Jesus’ tomb? A fun idea I read was filling an old bit of tights with soil and laying it over a small cup or pot on its side and sprinkling grass seed on it. I might try that in mine.

- Cooking – hot cross buns may be a step too far but any biscuit or small muffin making that you can do together would be fun. Finish each one with a cross on it. Lots of time to talk about why we do that at Easter.
- Eat hot cross buns. Peter prefers them toasted with lashings of butter. I prefer them as they come without. What do you like best?
Scavenger Hunt – outside is best but you can do this indoors too. Collect things starting with different sounds – S as in sun, c as in cry, P as in people, G as in go. I will do this with you in the video and then you can play it lots more times afterwards. (If you are doing this on your walk you may prefer to wear gloves and wash you hands thoroughly afterwards!)
- Good morning.
- Wind the bobbin up
- Grand old duke of York.
- Mary, Mary quite contrary
- Bad Friday
- So this is how God shows us His love
- Wiggle song
Two ideas:
- Make 3 crosses – 2 sticks for each one plus a pipecleaner, bit of wool, garden twine, string etc.
- Decorate a paper cross to put up at home.
Story – Darkness
- Lie flat on the ground and listen to this song.
- Talk about the story every time you tend your Garden. There may be lots of questions over a long period of time. If you can’t answer them to your and their satisfaction share them on the Whats App group and see if anyone else can.
Prayer Time
Jesus didn’t have to do this. He knew it was going to happen. He had a choice. Let’s thank him.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the cross. Amen
Dear Lord, thank you that you love each and every one of us.
You know us through and through and we matter to you.
Thank you for healing Jay.
Thank you for watching over the ones we love.
Please watch over Michelle as she goes to work in the hospital.
Please drive away this horrible virus.
Help us each day to be patient and understanding.
Keep us from cross words.
Thank you
A song for the grown ups
There is a redeemer
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