Strong Spy
- Go somewhere you have never been before and explore it together. Maybe Sutherland Grange or Hemwood Dell?
- Pretend you are exploring somewhere new. Get equipped with your backpack with map, binoculars or telescope, waterproof, snacks, water etc You may want to go in disguise or be camouflaged so that people don’t see you or think you are a threat. Explore quietly on tip toe. Try hiding behind things as you go.
- Design and make camouflage hats and / or outfits for yourself or your soft toys.
- Put together a box of strange or interesting things for little ones to rummage through.
Activity Ideas and Crafts
- Spy Glasses
Make some spy glasses. If you have cellophane they could be dark glasses. Stickers finish them off nicely.

- Read ‘We are going on a bear hunt’ together or watch Michael Rosen telling it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gyI6ykDwds
- Draw a picture of something new that you saw on your expedition. You may have taken a photo of it at the time to remind you.
- Hide and seek – one hide, count to 20, go and find them. Swop over.
- Sardines – as above only you hide with them when you find them, till all are squashed in the space together like sardines in a tin.
- Play ‘I spy with my little eye something the colour . . . blue’ etc
- What is it? Imagine that you are a small person in a world of big people. Everything looks enormous.
Start with these photos: What are these things seen from low to the ground?

- Good Morning Song
Good morning. Good morning. Good morning to you.
We’re learning ‘bout Jesus. There is so much to do.
Good morning. Good morning. Good morning to you.
- Row row row your boat gently down the stream
- Wheels on the bus
- Oh the Grand old duke of York
- Be bold
- Wiggle song –
Prayer time
Dear Jesus, help me to trust you more. Amen
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22nd June – GAP Programme “Strong Spy”